Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sacrifices for those We Love

Originally posted on Facebook April 19, 2015

Hello Friends! Happy Sunday! Here's a little something to think about today...
As many of you saw in the picture I posted yesterday, Mike and I went to a Real Salt Lake Soccer game last night. It was a beautiful, warm spring night. We chanted and cheered and booed with the crowd and even though they lost, we had a great time. But here's the thing.... Mike doesn't really like soccer. There were probably 20 different things he would've rather done than go to that game. So whydid he? Because he knew I wanted to, and he knew it would make me happy. Yesterday morning, he had been online checking out things to do that night. He is a musician, and really wanted to go hear some live music. He is also a huge sports fan (soccer, not so much) so he was checking the hockey games, baseball games, and concerts that were going on last night. Imagine my surprise when he informed me that he had gotten soccer tickets. Why? Because sometimes we make sacrifices for people we love.
Relationships take work. They take time and effort and SACRIFICE. When you have children, you often sacrifice sleep, peace and quiet, or free time. When my children were young, I rarely had time to myself, and when I did, I worried about the kids. I ate foods I didn't really like because it was what THEY liked. I didn't have much time to do things I wanted and my days were filled with Disney movies, chicken nuggets, and constantly cleaning house, doing laundry, and changing diapers. But I didn't mind, because I loved them and was willing to do whatever I needed to help them. It goes the same with spouses. We sit through movies we don't love, watch hours of sporting events we don't really care about, or participate in activities because THEY like them. I've come to learn through the years, that it is my attitude that makes all the difference. If I do it because I know it will make him happy and not be thinking about the things I would rather be doing, I enjoy it much more. I love to surprise him with something special just to see his reaction. Please know that I don't mean we have to do EVERYTHING together, or that it's not good to have hobbies. I love me some Dancing with the Stars and don't care in the least that Mike would rather watch something (anything!) else. We have individual likes and hobbies, too. That's what makes life interesting.
Try to take some time to find something that your friend, child, or spouse enjoys (even if you don't) and enjoy watching THEM enjoy it. That's where the true happiness comes in. Love to you all. 

I am Beautiful and Smart

Originally posted on Facebook April 12, 2015

Good Morning Friends! Thought I'd share a little Sunday message before I head off to church. I have a cute little 6 year old niece who is in the 1st grade. In school, her class was told to draw a picture of themselves and then fill in the blanks on a paper about themselves. Her mom shared the picture and I love her response. The first line said "I am________." While most children filled in the blank with their name or "a student" or "a boy," My sweet niece filled in "I am beautiful and smart." How I love her confidence and self esteem! This story reminded me of another I had heard a while back. Susan W Tanner had shared a story about her 3 year old grand daughter who, when she told her how much she loves her, replied, "Everybody does, Grandma!" She went on to explain that something happens to girls (and boys) between 3 and 13 that causes their self image to deteriorate. I've been pondering why this happens, and here are some thoughts I came up with.
The world would have us think that in order to be beautiful, cool, or worthy we have to subscribe to THEIR standards. Girls starve themselves, dress inappropriately, even get expensive surgeries to change their appearances. They plaster images that are impossible to achieve and then tell us that we are not worthy if we can not duplicate them. The truth is, no matter how we look, how we dress, how much money we have, or where we live, we will never find that self-worth through others. We must find it inside ourselves. If we find that knowledge inside ourselves, we know that we are beautiful, intelligent beings that have much contribute to the world. We are ENOUGH. I hope you will all reach inside yourselves and find all the amazing qualities that you have and then encourage others to do the same. Try not to put yourself down, and be less judgmental of others. We all have infinite worth.
My name is Lori, and I am beautiful and smart. And so are you. 

Parenting WIN

Originally posted April 6, 2015

That moment when you walk into a room singing a Foreigner song and pause to read something on the counter when your 19 year old picks up right where you left off and sings the rest of the verse, then you you belt out the chorus together. Parenting WIN. 

Spend Your Time and Energy on those Who Love You for YOU

Originally Posted on Facebook March 31, 2015

You all know I don't get into political discussions on Facebook, so I'm just going to tell a little story...
I belong to a religion that is not widely accepted everywhere. I have been the victim of ignorant, unkind behavior many times in my life because of it. No matter how much we try to inform or educate people about it, there will always be those who discriminate against us. I have lost friends when they found out, been treated badly, called names. I don't believe that ANYONE should be mistreated, and I don't care what race, religion, or anything else you are, I won't treat you as lesser.
But.... I also realize that as Americans, people have a right to do so. They have a right to disagree, not associate, or even to refuse service. I think it's sad, but I also know that if someone expresses that they don't want anything to do with me, they are the LAST people to which I would want to give my money, my time, or my energy. Why fight them? I say, let them go. Spend time with those who love and appreciate you for who you are. Much love to all of you! 

Easter Week

Originally posted March 29, 2015

As we begin Easter week, for this Sunday message I would just like to share my testimony of Jesus Christ. To those who disagree or don't believe, I ask that you would refrain from making negative comments, as this is one of the most important things to me in my life.
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and loves me. I know that He hears and answers my prayers. I am eternally grateful that He allowed His only begotten son to come to earth to be born, live a perfect life, and suffer unfathomable pain for me and you and every person to ever live upon this earth. I am so grateful for my brother Jesus Christ. That He loved me enough to go through trials and pains that none of us can even comprehend so that we can live with Him and His Father one day. I know that he lives! Because He lives, I can be forgiven of my sins. Because He lives, I don't have to go through my trials alone. Because He lives, all that is wrong in the world can be made right. Because He lives, I can be with my loved ones forever. And Because He lives, I know that I will live again, too. "He lives, all glory to His name....He lives, my Savior, still the same...He lives, my mansions to prepare....He lives, to bring me safely there."
No matter what you've done, been through, struggled with... He loves you and has paved the path for you to return to Him. May you all feel the incredible love that our Savior has for you.  ‪#‎BecauseHeLives‬

The Things We Take for Granted

Originally posted on Facebook March 22, 2015

I was recently visiting with a dear friend, and she was telling me how her daughter had called saying that she'd run out of gas. She went and bought a gas can, filled it, and put it in the back seat of her very nice, newer car. While transporting it to her daughter, some of the fuel leaked out from the lid onto the carpet in her car. After numerous attempts to clean it, she was frustrated that she could still smell the gas when she got into her car. "Funny," she said, "I never noticed the smell of my car before this. I wish I would have enjoyed the non-gasoline smell more!"
Often, it's not until something goes wrong that we realize how good we had it before. Just this week, I've had a plugged ear and non-stop ringing in my ear. How I wish I could have good hearing (and NO RINGING!!!) in my ear again! I'm certain it will pass with this cold, but boy am I going to enjoy the quiet in my head when it finally happens!
I hope you take the time to enjoy the little things in life that we take for granted... the sound of little feet running around, the smell of spring flowers, having running water, food to eat, the ability to read. Oh... and maybe that you don't have an incessant ringing in your ear.
Happy Sunday Friends! 

Take Time to Look Up

Originally posted on Facebook March 15, 2015

I've been noticing more often lately the amount of time everybody spends on their phones. I've been guilty of it, too. We check our Facebook, our Instagram, our SnapChat. We check our texts, our emails, our messages. We are so worried about missing out! And guess what happens? We miss out.
I've watched little ones hit a ball, kick a goal, or run a touchdown, and when they turn proudly to their parents they see them looking at their phones, more often than not, missing that special moment. They missed sharing the joy with their child, but luckily they saw the funny cat picture on Instagram! I walk Roxy every day, and a couple of years ago, I decided not to take my phone with me anymore. There have been a few times I've wished I had my camera, but for the most part, I just enjoy being disconnected for a little bit. For that time, I can think, observe, and take in the world around me.
Yesterday, I went to breakfast with Mike. I left my phone at home (not on purpose) but it was nice to not even have the temptation to look at it. I'm going to try harder to put my phone away and not check it as often. That way, if there is an emergency, someone can get a hold of me, but I don't want to miss out on those special moments because I'm always looking down.
Have a great Sunday! May you always have a reason to look up.